Lambeau has been diagnosed with lymphoma

conscious sedation is not an option... :cry: I'm praying the gum grows over before surgery, which is scheduled for 9/12. they wanted to do 9/8 but I'm not doing a Friday and then having to worry if something goes wrong we would have to find an ER that is open and can take him. so a Tuesday while our vet is open all week should any issues arise post-op

Did his gum ever grow over or does he still need surgery?
Did his gum ever grow over or does he still need surgery?
it did not,,,,, surgery is tomorrow morning. I'm an absolute wreck about it. I trust our vet of 20 years 100% but I still am very worried. we saw our vet today and he is confident all will go well nd beau will be just fine. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:
it did not,,,,, surgery is tomorrow morning. I'm an absolute wreck about it. I trust our vet of 20 years 100% but I still am very worried. we saw our vet today and he is confident all will go well nd beau will be just fine. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

Will the Tooth be pulled or is he gonna have a regular teeth cleaning too?

So sorry Lambeau is going thru all this in addition to cancer! Poor Lambeau.

Good luck with surgery tomorrow Lambeau, all the best and have a quick recovery.

I am the same way- always worrying about the surgeries, just spoil him more before surgery 🙂

Please keep us updated on how he does.
Hey gang - quick update -- short of it we are all exhausted. Beau did great!!!! Since light sedation was not an option, we told them since he is under do a full dental check and cleaning on him. The removed two teeth, the one that we knew was broken and a back molar that ad a rotted root. he finished up around 3, I picked him up at 6:45 PM... he could not even stand up, he was so incredibly high/drugged up, luckily my gut told me to bring his stroller in case he didn't want to walk, I never thought he wouldn't be able to walk.

When we got home, I cut up some steak, shredded it into slivers and he ate about 6 pieces then totally passed out till around 2:30 AM... he was restless and kept wanting to be outside, but still could barely stand up. we all got back to bed around 4. he woke up at 7 .. he could stand and slowly walk, but really just wanted food. I fed him his normal raw breakfast, but only have the amount.

He is fast asleep at my feet and snoring away! he looks great and seems to be slowly coming out of the high.

So happy this is behind us.

Thanks or all the love and support!

First picture is right out of surgery that our vet office sent us. The second is the pass out after eating his steak.


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I second oscarmayer's statement! Big love hug for Lambeau!(y) So happy that all went well!!
I second n third oscarmayer's statement!

Yes definitely too much to do for light sedation. Been thinking of him past few days, soooooo glad he’s bouncing back. That’s our Lammyboy ❤️🙌❤️

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