Help Needed! My puppy only seems to want to bite/ HARD

What did your son teachers say when he came to school with bite marks? Ralphie
We are doing our best/ today he bit my husbands fathers face so hard he drew lots of blood. But he has his moments where he will get distracted and not want to chew on us. Bulldogs are completely different than other dogs. My parents raised border collies and I thought they were bad. I was warned about health issues and what not but this defiantly needs to be on the warning list. Patiently waiting for it to pass thank you everyone. Always get the best advice.
Haha I'm currently going through this with Vader and even though I've read countless threads and replies saying it's normal and will pass and just hang in there, SOMETIMES I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!! He can be an absolute monster sometimes! We've been working hard with the redirection to a chew toy and it definitely seems to be working. You can see there are times that he shows improvement, like he'll get distracted from his current toy and walk over to me, and very slowly open his mouth and give my arm a little tiny soft nibble. When he's like this, it really only takes a stern look and he decides to just lick me.

But then OTHER TIMES... Holy cow look out! He will give it all he's got in his little but crazy tough puppy jaw!

I have an odd feeling that when it's all gone there will be that odd sense of nostalgia when I think back to his shark phase.
Haha I'm currently going through this with Vader and even though I've read countless threads and replies saying it's normal and will pass and just hang in there, SOMETIMES I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!! He can be an absolute monster sometimes! We've been working hard with the redirection to a chew toy and it definitely seems to be working. You can see there are times that he shows improvement, like he'll get distracted from his current toy and walk over to me, and very slowly open his mouth and give my arm a little tiny soft nibble. When he's like this, it really only takes a stern look and he decides to just lick me.

But then OTHER TIMES... Holy cow look out! He will give it all he's got in his little but crazy tough puppy jaw!

I have an odd feeling that when it's all gone there will be that odd sense of nostalgia when I think back to his shark phase.

I think it's like giving birth (I've never given birth) in that the pain is so bad that, once it's over, your mind forgets how painful it is. This is so that, in the future, you can raise another bully pup. :)

That's my belief. It's bulldog witchery. :ROFL::ROFL:
Never got any marks, just playful biting from sons dog. Both are very well behaved for the most part. Teaching sons dog to use his qieter voice when barking and omg he is a hoot lol. He goes from a loud bark to a very low yip lol. I just about fell over laughing the first time he got it, my son thinks i am warping his dog. You cant help but try something else when they pick up on things. My son laughs and says i need a hobby. Whatever! Lol.
We got Effie when she was 9 weeks, and she just turned 15 weeks yesterday. She's our first puppy....and we had no clue what were getting ourselves into- even after all the research. She's been a little bullshark for sure! My husband has so many chew marks on his arm, it's ridiculous (she's drawn blood on him multiple times)! I'm a bit more consistent with her than he is. I do think she's improved a lot over the last 2 weeks. You've got a 50/50 shot of being bitten versus just getting licked now LOL. We praise her for giving kisses, and if she bites we immediately put her on the floor and ignore, or get up and walk away for about 20-30 seconds. We just incorporated the water squirting method as well. I definitely can't wait for this phase to pass!
I remember about a week after we got her, Effie and I were taking a nap on the couch and next thing I knew she nipped my lip! It was swollen for like 3 days...I remember thinking Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into!!!

But, she's definitely stolen my heart :drawheart:
Haha I'm currently going through this with Vader and even though I've read countless threads and replies saying it's normal and will pass and just hang in there, SOMETIMES I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT!! He can be an absolute monster sometimes! We've been working hard with the redirection to a chew toy and it definitely seems to be working. You can see there are times that he shows improvement, like he'll get distracted from his current toy and walk over to me, and very slowly open his mouth and give my arm a little tiny soft nibble. When he's like this, it really only takes a stern look and he decides to just lick me.

But then OTHER TIMES... Holy cow look out! He will give it all he's got in his little but crazy tough puppy jaw!

I have an odd feeling that when it's all gone there will be that odd sense of nostalgia when I think back to his shark phase.

Oh you are so right! Eng. Bulldogs are the most sharky babies I have ever had! If I had a dollar for every time I said"no bite-here bite THIS!" I would be a multi-billionaire! They also had an obsession with shoes,(especially when I was walking) so I was continually saying "No shoes!" Now that they are all grown-I miss puppies! Now wishing I didn't have them all spayed!ha!ha! I guess I like pain!:ohmy:
Buster is almost at 6 months and is still being a Jerk and going after feet and biting us all over. The vet said he is going to be a bug dog and we are getting worried he will be an aggressive dog. Any thoughts on shock collars?
Buster is almost at 6 months and is still being a Jerk and going after feet and biting us all over. The vet said he is going to be a bug dog and we are getting worried he will be an aggressive dog. Any thoughts on shock collars?
[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] She will help you.
Buster is almost at 6 months and is still being a Jerk and going after feet and biting us all over. The vet said he is going to be a bug dog and we are getting worried he will be an aggressive dog. Any thoughts on shock collars?

He is not 'aggressive' he is still a pup. You have to be more firm with him and ALL humans in the home have to be consistent with the training and commands. usually around 8 mths is when you see this 'toddle' stage of let me see how far I can push them --- go back to basics with him... some type of command for everything he gets, even a pet or attention -- he should sit or down position. Us this training tool, if not already ---

also, when ever he goes to bite or grab, firm NO, with a redirect to one of his toys. Try the water bottle -- firm no with a spray to the face.

At 8 months old, you really should not be resorting to an e-collar -- that is a last resort when there is one trigger or focus that they can not be broken of.

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