Man at Petco ticked me off !!!!

I even laugh off the so ugly she's cute and face only a mother could love comments.

My reply is Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and we think she's the most beautiful dog EVER!

Quite honestly we often call HRH Miss Piggy...she oinks when she's eating, I swear. And even though she's not a bit overweight she does appear kind of portly to most people.
Every where we go we Tubs gets mawed and he loves it. Today I was picking my daughter up from school and parked next to a guy waiting for his kids. Tubs stuck his head out of the window and the guy immediately got out of his car and started asking a lot of questions about bulldogs in general. He was very nice. Later in the day we went to our neighborhood lake for a girl scout meeting to work in the garden the girls maintain there. A bunch of girls were walking around the lake with their mo's, and they came running up to him. I think there were about 6-8 girls immediately surrounding him. They were mostly little girls, but one old girls came over with them and said "oh he is so fat!" If she wasn't a kid I would have laid into her and said "yes he is big, but look at his slender waist. That means he is a healthy weight and not fat." I would have also told her to take a look at how big his paws are and educate her on the fact that he needs to grow into those paws! My little man has always been a big boy and always will, don't come up to me and say "Awww what a lard butt!"
Like [MENTION=983]LariP[/MENTION] I had a guy a couple of weeks ago ask me if I could tell the difference in his face and his A**, Now THAT made me furious, I was visiting a friend and it was her friend that said that. I was totally offended and did not speak to him the rest of the visit. I would have cussed him out had I known him and I was not a guest in her home with her friends.

SERIOUSLY??? Now that's just truly offensive .... he didn't know you and Vegas and comes out with bull-:poo: like that. Kudos to you for biting your tongue and not saying anything to him!! :bow:
SERIOUSLY??? Now that's just truly offensive .... he didn't know you and Vegas and comes out with bull-:poo: like that. Kudos to you for biting your tongue and not saying anything to him!! :bow:

[MENTION=959]kazzy220[/MENTION], I had to, I was a guest at a get together, at a friends house, I wanted to kick him where Vegas hit our repairman!!!! I had to maintain and compose myself, believe me, in my mind I was kicking his A**!!
The whole "hes so ugly he's cute" comment doesn't bother me, but it REALLY ticks my 8yo daughter off. A neighbor said that about two weeks ago and she is still fuming!
The whole "hes so ugly he's cute" comment doesn't bother me, but it REALLY ticks my 8yo daughter off. A neighbor said that about two weeks ago and she is still fuming!

It REALLY pisses me off ... I mean really. I just don't see it. My daughter is a very beautiful teenager and I would get just as angry if somebody called her ugly. I'm sorry ... I may be blind, but my bulldogs are just NOT ugly!! They are more beautiful than most people... so maybe it's their souls that I see and not their faces!!! :love:
I know its just people ignorant to the breed. It still irritated me, and maybe because of everything thats been going on in my life the last few weeks, idk. I have had a VERY short fuse lately
I know its just people ignorant to the breed. It still irritated me, and maybe because of everything thats been going on in my life the last few weeks, idk. I have had a VERY short fuse lately

Don't apologise .... I think you'll find a lot of bully owners are just as protective!!! To us, they are beautiful ....
i don't get mad when people are just ignorant and don't know what butler is, i just figure they must bang rocks together for fire because who DOESN'T know what a bully is?! BUT, i can no longer handle people telling me he is ugly. I am not nice about it anymore. Some old lady told me "He's got a face only a mother could love" and I told her "I'm sure i could say the same about your children" and just the other day at the pet expo someone says "He sure is ugly with those teeth" so i said "You are as ugly as you are rude". I do not like chihuahuas, chinese crested, shitzus, or most little dogs for that matter, but i would never go out of my way to make a nasty comment to an owner of one. that is just RUDE!

Most of the time people go "oh my god he is so cute" and give him kisses so i guess it's okay. not everyone can be awesome.

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