Hair coming out!!! PLEASE HELP!!!

I think, as lexterwayne described, that all dogs are born with mange. If the immune system gets too low then that is when the outbreak can occur. What I am not sure of is if they all carry it, why does not every dog test postive for it? That is the part that confuses me.... ???
There are 2 types of mange demodex and sarcoptic (sp) One is contagious , one is not. A lot of recsues have the none contagious kind.
It's not uncommon for bulldogs to go bald during winter. Especially in northern states where you get snow. It's caused by a vitamin-D defecency.(sunlight) I suggest consulting a vet. (yeah you got to bite the bullet on the vet bill) just to make sure it isn't mange. Better to be safe than sorry. You can use melatonin for the vitamin-D, but it will cause your bulldog to be even more docile. So while at the vet see if he can give a Vitamin-D shot.

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