I don't consider myself a breeder, but I learn what I can by reading a lot online and consulting veterinarians. I do know that regular visits to the vet are a must. When my dog was little, he needed foam egg crates to walk. This may not be a universally applied method, as different puppies develop at a different speed. It's kind of difficult to tell with this breed. My girlfriend has beagles and it’s a lot easier with them. They grow fast and do not need that much special care. Right now she’s busy teaching her puppy different commands; she picked them up at cleverpuppies.com/ where they break down in detail on how to properly train puppies. Do we have a similar blog about bulldogs? Please send me a link if yes.
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No strength in any legs at this age, little to no coordination...way too soon to evaluate any orthopedic concerns. Bulldogs are not necessarily graceful when fully developed!
Too early to worry, IMO.
Sorry I’m late with any advice too but we have a 9 month old puppy Wesley and we went through the same thing as you when we first brought him home thinking his back legs were slightly weak but they were perfectly ok.

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