I'd hustle the bastard for the dogs, seems he's all about money, then Grieve and find ways to heal. He's a bastard and karma is a bitch.(sorry, language but €>%#*¥!? Bastard is nicest word)
I hope sharing your story gave you some small measure of relief.... but it sounds so very painful and difficult.
Good luck, be patient and if you need some help "dog napping" let's roll!
Cheryl I didn't know that this was still going on I am so sorry he is doing this too your family, I see why you want your mums house I would feel exactly the same way and probably be doing the same as you but it is destroying you Cheryl and that just is not fair one little bit, maybe if you drop the case would he give you the dogs but then again I don't know if that is what you should do either one thing I know I don't want to see you destroy yourself completely over this as like the others have said it is material things and I think your Mum would not want to see this happen to you either Cheryl and you do need to grieve. When my Mum died the first couple of years I nearly destroyed my marriage over it all I pushed my kids away I could not cope on the outside round people I put a show on but at home I was a total mess my situation was different to yours but I know you and your mum were like me and my mum. Please Cheryl don't let it destroy you, your too special for that.
I can't even wrap my head around this enough to come up with a proper response, but I'm so sorry for all suffering this man has led you to, and of course the loss of your mom. :(
I don't understand why people will go through such measures to maintain control. :(

I'm really sorry. Hugs to you and yours.
Hi Cheryl, I am so sorry that you and your family are dealing with this while grieving your Mom. I can understand how you feel, betrayed, sad and angry, I am reading your story and I am feeling sad and angry for you that someone would take advantage and be so heartless to do this to you and your Moms memory. Especially someone who you all trusted and that your mother trusted, and someone who was supposed to love your mom. My Dad lost his wife, my stepmom to brain cancer a few years back, and her family tried all the same evil things for money, and tried to take his house, even though it was his house before he married her. She also left a will, and left everything to my Dad, but he didn't keep anything that was hers, he gave them her car, her computer, her money that she had in her own account, and all of her personal things and jewellery, even though he didn't have to, he even payed for the funeral. People can turn on you and become so greedy for money. They put my Dad through so much stress and at a time when he was grieving his wife, instead of honouring their mother, they only saw money. Its very sad. They had no leg to stand on for the house, because it was my Dads house, but they still tried. I don't understand how he can fight the will, when your mother wrote one out with her wishes. Is their any way you can get a lawyer from legal aid? If not, then even though he doesn't deserve anything from your mom, maybe your best bet is to go through mediation so that you can preserve why is left of the house. Maybe offer him 1/3 of the house, or buy him out with your siblings if you guys can. It is so sad that he won't give you your Moms bully babies, its clear that he doesn't love them like you and mom did, and he isn't taking good care of them, or have their best interest at heart. Is he doing this just to hurt you?, and If you have the papers for these dogs, why can't you get them back from him? he clearly doesn't have a heart, and is a very heartless, loveless person. i believe in that Karma stuff, and what goes around comes around. I truly feel for you Hun, and its awful that you are dealing with this while trying to grieve your mom. Don't let this get you down, your Mom was a fighter, and its clear that there was great love between her and your family. Remember her and all the wonderful memories you have of her and keep going forward. The most important stuff is love, family, your memories of her and the rest is just stuff and money. These things can be replaced, but Life is Short and the Love you shared with her will always be there in your heart, so she will always be with you. I hope he reconsiders and lets you have her Bully babies, so they can find new homes and be cared for and loved. Good Luck Hun, and I hope things get easier for you. You have been through so much. Know that we are here for you to listen and offer love and prayers. I'm sending Love, hugs and Prayers your way. Take Care of You
Dear God, I am so sorry you are dealing with this. My heart aches for you. You don't deserve this. The dogs don't deserve this, and certainly your dear, loving mother didn't deserve this.

That man is a vile human being, and one day he'll get what's coming to him.

I agree with the others in that maybe you should see if the vet can advise you on how you can get the dogs away from him. Surely there's a way, since they're being neglected.

I really didn't know that someone can have this much leverage when there's a legal will in place. This breaks my heart.

I will pray that you can have peace very soon. You so deserve it.
Call the local chapter of the ASPCA in your area. They can work some real magic at times; I have had to get them involved with a few of my rescues over the years, they have quit a bit of power. Dealing with the family in your situation is never easy; at some point you will have to decide just how far you are able to go and my prayers are with you. Just keep in mind, negative energy has a way of affecting your health too so be careful. From my experience with inheritance and the law......pick your battles wisely and make sure you know exactly how far you are willing to go. Common sense must prevail....try to get the bullies taken care of and the rest will fall into place one way or another. I would recommend considering at least being amitable to getting them into the vet office; then maybe even if it isn't your vet you could have your vet possibly mediate for you with the other vet. Vets can also call the law and have an animal surrendered. Just food for thought. Good luck, our hugs and prayers are with you.
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I am so sorry your getting good advice already from everyone. We will be thinking of you and the sweet puppies. Breaks my heart some people are a holes

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