Would your bully pass the Canine Good Citizen Test?

We are actually about to start Basic Obedience next week with the hopes he can pass too!

Vader would probably have a tough time with 3 and 5 right now. He's totally in to exploring everyone around when we're out walking in crowds. He's only 4 1/2 months right now so we've got some time to work on it! :)

Yeah, Bella was way too young when she took the test. The instructer said that most dogs are 2 years old when they take it! Bella is in Petsmart's intermediate class right now. I'm planning on having her take the Advance class once we're done, since they offer the CGC at the end of the advance class. I'm hoping that once she matures some more, she'll be calmer around other dogs and we can pass! LOL

Good luck to you and Vader! :)

ETA: Bella passed the AKC STAR test, which is a pre-CGC course for puppies. It requires the same test items, but they are less restricted. It was easy for Bella to pass this, since it was done around our puppy classmates and she was very comfortable around them. There was no new dog novelty. Maybe try that with Vader first.
Numbers 1-4, gladly. Attention Whore. The others--I believe he COULD do it, but simply WOULD NOT--just too stubborn to comply willingly.
Belle could easily pass everything except 6 and 9...she's jumpy and dropping a chair near her would probably result in a heart attack :eek:
Delilah would pass easily. I need to go and get her certified but I never did, lol. The only thing that might go wrong was if the passing dog got in her face. She goes to the dog park all the time but does not like other dogs getting right in her face.
Delilah would pass easily. I need to go and get her certified but I never did, lol. The only thing that might go wrong was if the passing dog got in her face. She goes to the dog park all the time but does not like other dogs getting right in her face.

Can an you teach Bella how to pass?? We'll come to Iowa! :)
if I could get curly over his fear of every loud noise in the world i could get him a CGC. The only other thing he doesn't know is the down command but I think that will be an easy feat. Other than that he would pass with flying colors.

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Yeah, Bella was way too young when she took the test. The instructer said that most dogs are 2 years old when they take it! Bella is in Petsmart's intermediate class right now. I'm planning on having her take the Advance class once we're done, since they offer the CGC at the end of the advance class. I'm hoping that once she matures some more, she'll be calmer around other dogs and we can pass! LOL

Good luck to you and Vader! :)

ETA: Bella passed the AKC STAR test, which is a pre-CGC course for puppies. It requires the same test items, but they are less restricted. It was easy for Bella to pass this, since it was done around our puppy classmates and she was very comfortable around them. There was no new dog novelty. Maybe try that with Vader first.

Walter passed the AKC Star Puppy Test too… I was taking him to the Advanced course, but it was really too much for him (and ME too). I wish he would just sit and allow people to pet him, he gets WAY too excited… Lol
bella would do great on all but number 6 lol she dont take orders very well lol
Do they have a "Rowdy Mob" category?
Apologies for bumping an older thread, but I'm curious if there are some folks who have had their Bulldog pass the CGC.

I took Nelson for an evaluation last month and he was able to do everything well except #8 (passing another dog without reacting).
I'm curious as to what strategies folks used for this. He's not aggressive, just curious.

I plan to try again or get him in a class in January, after the holidays.

Dogs are Bella's kryptonite...she wants to play! She's extremely well-socialized, but you wouln't know it.

I seriously considered keeping chicken in my pocket and letting her know it's there (so she focuses on me), but I guess that's cheating. (Plus, it probably wouln't work when she's in the zone!)

Really, I think the key is stopping/correcting the behavior before it starts. When the other dog is approaching, give the command ("leave it" or whatever you decide to use). Let your dog know that they are to ignore that temptation.

It's easier said then done. Sadly, at this point, I don't think Bella is a CGC dog.
Elmo would pass 1-7 and 10. He would not pass 6,8,9 Especially # 8, Elmo Hates other dogs, he would fight them. This is sad for us, we Love him So Much.
Hmmm let's see:
1. No... not a fan of people touching her. Very skittish for the most part.

2. She will sit for petting... depends who pets.

3. She passes this one (YAYYY!!!)

4. Yes!!!! (BONUS POINT!)

5. Hahahahha... she would run like it was the end of the world! Probably hitting every object, child, vase... scared to death!

6. Got sit and down... down may last 1 sec. Does that count? ;)

7. Coming when called? Hahahaha... Izzy? Izzyyyy? Isabellll? Isaaaabellllll? IIIIIIzzzzyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

8. She ignores mosts dogs.... like they dont exist! PASS! :D

9. Dropping a chair? Come on!

10. Pass!

Do we get a degree!? ;)

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