Vegas Howard 8/4/07 - 9/9/18


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
We joined this forum many many years ago when it first started up. We were a huge part in helping it become what it is today. You can find Vegas on the welcome page.
At 10 months old, Vegas was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. You can search and find his story here ( ) or read our blog. He fought so hard and he always bounced back. Vegas celebrated his 11th birthday on 8/4/18. He had a good day, eating ice cream and playing outside. Around this time we started visiting the ER almost weekly.
On 7/29/18 he tore his eyelid in the corner and it wouldnā€™t stop bleeding. I honestly donā€™t know how it happened... we took him in and instead of stitches, we opted for ointment and close monitoring.
On 8/11/18 Vegas started shivering and breathing heavy. I covered him up and even after an hour he was still cold. I scooped him up (which he doesnā€™t like) and loaded him into the truck. They triaged him in the car and decided he was critical enough to bypass the 3 hour ER wait. I donā€™t know what was done, but several hours later we walked out with all symptoms resolved. All elevated when admitted, his heart rate, temperature and breathing all returned to normal.

On 8/13/18 we took him to his normal vet. He had some sort of scab on his belly (I thought it was from a procedure done during the 8/11 exam, I remember holding Kleenex to his belly as we were waiting for test results) that was still bleeding. They ended up applying glue to it.

9/2/18 we returned to the ER with a cut lip that wouldnā€™t stop. They applied glue to that.

9/5/18 Vegas was very unsettled in his play area. Usually during the day he sleeps non stop. On this day he moved. Not getting up and moving... more like an unsettled toss and turn. That evening I was talking to a friend in South Africa and I was telling him how Vegasā€™s exhaled breath was actually cold. That he was shivering and that I had him wrapped in my electric blanket to warm him up. 45 minutes later he finally stopped. (I believe this is the day that the tumor ruptured)
9/9/18 Vegas would not eat or take his meds. He wasnā€™t wanting to get up. He was shivering and very lethargic. We took him to a different ER and within minutes we were told that he had a large tumor on his spleen that ruptured and he was slowly bleeding to death. Hemangiosarcoma.
I will spare you the details... he didnā€™t come home with us that day. He took his last breath about 1:20 that afternoon.

I canā€™t tell you how painful it is to lose him. He was such a huge part of our life. When you have a special needs furkid, you design your life around them. Every waking moment was about him.

The pain is unbearable.

I could talk hours and hours about him. Show you video after video of him (heā€™s appeared on Americaā€™s Funniest Home Videos) Heā€™s appeared on our local news, he has a YouTube channel, he has a FB video thatā€™s gone viral and he has his own greeting card line. He was an inspiration to many. My heart physically hurts. There is no pain greater than losing a loved one so tragically. Absolutely no time to say goodbye. My husband told me I was screaming ā€œIā€™m so sorryā€ over and over as he took his last breath.

Now the healing begins. At least that is what Iā€™m told.

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Ftse 100

Bully lov'in wonder from down under
Mar 25, 2012
Qld Australia
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Love seeing all Vegas's pictures but still brings tears to my eyes knowing he is gone but he will never be forgotten Cheryl as he was one very special Boy who we all loved.


Community Veteran
Dec 9, 2016
Seattle, WA
United States
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King Louie, Jax (French Bulldog), Ella Mae and Darla Rae
This brought tears to my eyes. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs.

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EBN's SWEETHEART aka our little GOOB
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Jun 19, 2013
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I can't put into words how much Vegas means to all of us, especially here at EBN. You forgot to mention all the people that you helped w/the videos of Vegas and his seizures, I can't count how many times I have forwarded people to you for more information. When I heard about Vegas, I was in Nashville at my birthday dinner w/Ray... and my eyes immediately began to tear up. My family & I hurt for you and Mark... I remember the first time I met you, Vegas and Orion in Seattle years ago when Ray was working out there. We consider you guys family... and this really hurts!!!

I don't know if true healing begins at this point, it seems to me this is where you begin to live with the loss. It's not easy at all, especially at first... but I DO promise you this... it will get easier. And the memories will make you smile instead of breaking down in tears. I SO wish that I was there in Seattle, but I guess a virtual hug is all that I can offer for now :heart:

I'm SO very sorry Cheryl... Vegas was a very special bulldog, and we ALL loved him so...



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
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Nyala, Jake (R.I.P. Duke)
I am so so sorry Cheryl. You and Vegas sure helped a lot of other bullies in here!!

R.I.P. Vegas. :angelheart:


Well-known member
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May 2, 2013
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[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] Cheryl, Crying as I read about Vegas. We will miss him sooooo very much. There will be no way to comfort you right now,but you must know that no one could have done more than you did, for your boy.Every one knows the love and care that you gave him. He was such a big part of your life,and will always be a big part of your heart. It will take a long time to heal, and get used to the emptiness. Many suffer the loss with you. You might honor him with some cards for others who have lost their loved canine children. He will always be with us on EBN, and will live on helping others who suffer from seizures. GOD Bless you, and I will be praying for your comfort. Through all you and Vegas suffered through, he lived a very long and happy life with you.:pray::heart::angelheart:Vegas will rest in peace-no more illness and pain. You know he will be there waiting for you.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2017
Middle Georgia
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I am so sorry for your loss..... I canā€™t imagine what you have gone through.

Tawnys mom

New member
Sep 11, 2018
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So sorry for your loss. Never easy losing a beloved member of the family :(

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Feb 19, 2015
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So very sorry. Not enough words to help ease the pain.


The New Casper
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May 15, 2013
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There are not enough words to describe how sorry I am for your loss. Vegas was a special boy and may he rest in peace.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2015
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My Girl Joey
[MENTION=572]Libra926[/MENTION] Cheryl, the tears are steaming down my face as I type this. I remember 3 years ago when Joey and I first joined the forum, you along with a handful of the "regulars" made me feel so very welcome and your advice and kind words always calmed me down. I was always excited to see new photos of Vegas....AND yours was always my favorite profile photo.

I pray that somehow the wonderful memories ease your pain, but I know that seems almost impossible right now.

So, for now, I pray for your peace.

Sue and Joey


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Apr 30, 2013
Allen Park, Michigan
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I am so so sorry!! I just recently lost Dually and I know the unbearable pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!! RIP Vegas!!


New member
Aug 10, 2017
United States
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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Rest In Peace, Vegas.

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Have Bulldog Will Travel
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Jan 20, 2016
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I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know that Vegas could not possibly have landed in a better place than with you 11 years ago. Nobody would have done more for that beautiful boy than you. He lived a long full life because of your love, attention, and devotion. You are the most awesome Mom any Bulldog could hope to have!

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