New bulldog owner and need advice


New member
Jun 12, 2013
West Tennessee
Bulldog(s) Names
Dozer aka "Fat Boy"
Welcome to EBN, I don't have anything really to add to the great advice you've been given but I have noticed something with my dog Dozer. He seems to love lotion. When my wife puts lotion on her legs he is always trying to lick it off, and it's not just her, just about any woman that comes over if they have body lotion on he goes to licking on them till I make him stop. If you are using baby lotion on your little one maybe that's what your dog is attracted to.


Mar 11, 2011
Tip of the Mitt, Michigan
Bulldog(s) Names
Emma, Charlie, Milo, Peekaboo and Jack
Hi there! My family and I just adopted a 3yr old female from a very reputable breeder that conducts health screenings, has champion dogs, etc.
She is such a sweetheart, though we have only had her a few days. She is extremely shy and just starting to come out her shell.
I have a 3 year old and an 11month old. My bulldog adores my 3 year old but does something very strange sometimes in the presence of my 11 month old. I really hope someone on here can please provide me some insight as its making me uneasy. She doesn't seem to have an aggressive bone in her body but just recently started licking my 11 month old while air humping. It is very bizarre and I am not sure what this is. She is spayed and doesn't show any aggression towards her.... Just this crazy behavior. Help!!!

First, :welcome: to EBN. I don't have little kids, let alone babies, and am not around them so this behavior is a bit out of my zone. I did a google search on dog humping/babies, and here's what I found. Seems to be a domiance issue more than anything and that makes sense to me. Sorry for all the copying but aside it's about all I can offer. [MENTION=8699]Casper[/MENTION] gave you great advice too. :up: Oh I got this info from

My dog has always been a fan of DD. He likes to lick her and be near her, but tonght he started to get super excited/hyper while DD was crawling around and playing, and the dog tried to mount her!! He tried it numerous times! I'm glad he likes the baby, but geez, not this much!
Anyone else have this problem? How are you dealing with it? Our dog is typically super calm and gentle, but he's not well disciplined. When we try to punish him (only verbally), he gets happy and smiles..

Just to give you a bit of insight into a dogs mind. A dog will hump another dog or person as a show of dominance. It is not always sexual in nature. I agree that it is wrong but I also think that maybe it is time to start teaching your dog the heirarchy of the house. ie you, your DH and your LO are the alpha and he/ she is a submissive. This means that you have to tell him and make him obey your child and where your child goes and make sure that the dog understands that the baby is the"master", for lack of a better words, and that he needs to respect your LO.

I'd heard about humping being a sign of dominance and I'm sure that could have something to do with it as I'm certain he feels a little jealous even though he still gets lots of love and attention. I also think he was trying to be playful. He did this kind of happy jumpy bark thing (like he does when he plays with us or other dogs) before humping. In any case, I pushed him off and said "no" firmly when he tried to hump. He of course needs to learn that humping the baby is a big no no. It's just tough with him because, like I said, he gets happy when he gets in trouble. We'll continue to be firm and may resort to doggie time outs.

Our dog does the same thing, luckily he is only a 15 lb dog. I just quickly yell at him when he starts to hump - it is a sign of dominance. My dog is a shelter dog and still has some issues when he doesn't get enough attention. My son thinks it is hilarious, however, and will just get the dog even more excited to "play"! My dog has recently started to act up with my son since he is now crawling and standing, chasing the dog, etc, so he thinks it's time to play and hump. It's just a matter of constantly teaching the dog the hierarchy - I am boss, LO comes next, then dog.

My terrier has tried this a couple of times with my son...We just said off and pulled him off. Hec, he tires with certain friends of ours too. That's a dog's way of saying "I'm gonna be the boss of you". We're the pack leaders in our house. Our German Shepard knows if we can just get the terror, err I mean terrier to know it too

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
Community Veteran
Apr 16, 2013
Searcy, Arkansas
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
First of all, WELCOME !!! to EBN, it's a great web site, the best on the web for English Bull Dogs. Their are plenty of information articles here, and great advice, wonderful folks here who will generously share personal experiences, help, and tips.

The answer to your question, Air Humping an 11 month old is simple. English Bull Dogs like any other breed of dog out there are members of a pack, in their natural environment. So the answer is " Dominance " your Bully is trying to establish pecking order in the pack, or best said its place. Both of mine humped me the first few days I had them, establishing pecking order is crucial. Other things they do are put there chin over another pet or human, another form of dominance, when they roll over on their belly, their allowing you dominance over them. For an adult, or older child to establish dominance over a new pet, the easiest form of doing so, is to hand feed the pet, when he/she eats from your hand, they take that as a form of submission, and thus, the humping, or race for dominance is over! That Simple. It's very important for your pet to figure out for its peace of mind, where he/she fits in, lets tag a few others who may have some better input on how to establish dominance for an 11 month old child @Davidh, @JeannieCO, @cali~jenn, @DessertskyBulldogs, one other thing, in all fairness, sometimes in a Bully's life, they will hump out of excitement, more often than not, it's dominance. Remember, your bully can't ask you these questions, so they speak to you by actions, it's up to you to define their questions and communicate back to them. Training is also very important, Especially with a Bully, because lol, at times they are bull headed stubborn, bound and determined to get their way, just as you walk your Bully, it's very important where he/she walks in relation to you. Beside you, or slightly behind you is good, YOU must lead, your the Alpha Dog, your the pack leader, NO exceptions, when you cross a threshold, like of a door, hallway, etc, you MUST be first, your pet follows you, it's all part of being the pack leader, and most importantly for your pet to understand his/her relationship to the pack. Their are some really good books out there about understanding and overcoming dominance issues, besides potty training, house breaking, probably the next hardest task to accomplish, but first you must fully understand it to conquer the task, you and your pet will much more enjoy life together once completed, and your pet will have a great understanding with no confusion when it comes time to be obedient and to whom. Trust me, it sounds a lot worse than it truly is. Enjoy.

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Oh my gosh this just answered one of those questions I have had at the back of my mind just haven't asked.

Jennifer Clark

I can handle the whiskey, if you can handle the nu
Community Veteran
Apr 16, 2013
Searcy, Arkansas
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Sheldon A.K.A Shelly Bean (06-12-19); Duecy (9-13-14); Maddie (4-16-19)
to EBN!! Sit a spell and get to know everyone. I haven't been a member long but I have had the best time here and everyone is so super nice and really care about your Bully. HUGS!!! WELCOME TO EBN!!!!


Head Pooper Scooper
Staff member
Mar 21, 2011
Katy, Texas
Bulldog(s) Names
BeBe, Hazel, Lucy Lu, JLO, Hillary, Henri, & Katie
I'm a little late to this, but just wanted to say welcome to the site and you have some great advice above.


Flip'n'bullies stole my heart!
Jan 10, 2013
Muskegon, Michigan, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Mabel (20??-2017) Ariel
Welcome!!! Congrats on adopting your new bully! [MENTION=8699]Casper[/MENTION] gave you some great ideas. With any of the bully breeds I think it is very important to let them know they are NOT in charge. They can be very domineering but are extremely loyal and loving. I wouldn't have any other kind of dog! :)

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