English Bulldog Spraying snot. Every 3 minutes.

Baxter Tiberius

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Apr 16, 2015
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I know english bulldogs have allergies. I don't know if this is from that though. He didn't do this when we lived in Miami where the air was very moist. Now we're in southern california and its very dry. The outside of his nose is always bone dry.

When you're in a very dry environment, your body overcompensates by producing more moisture. I don't know if that's what's happening here. Maybe it's just allergies, but I'm not going to dose him with Benadryl daily for the rest of his life either..

Baxter pretty much SNOTS out of his nose every 3 minutes. Someone leans down to pet him, he snots all over their face. Its a quick exhale through his nose, blowing out the snot. He has done it so many times that people wont go near him or cuddle him anymore.

I've trained him a little bit - every time he covers my face in snot-spray I will do the same thing back to him immediately. Seems mean but it works. Now I see him catch himself sometimes and turn his head before he does it.

I was just wondering if anyone else here has this issue? Ive never seen a bulldog do it, and I would like to fix it. Drying him up more (with an anti-histhamine) doesn't seem to be the solution (he's already bone dry and devours water like crazy here).

Is it possible this is somehow tied to having the nostril problem? Like if we have them opened (Nares) will symptoms like this subside maybe? His arent too crazy squished together, but they're not great either.

EDIT: maybe it is allergies. As a kid I had allergy shots because I was suffering from allergies so bad. They worked amazingly well. I wonder if there are allergy shots for dogs. The goal is to inject small amounts weekly until the over-sensitization is reduced.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Hello and welcome to EBN.. I will tag some members they might know people from your area. Mean time I sure understand giving a pet any pills. I always go holistic first unless it was a life or death situation. Get a diffuser and make sure its on day n night. Put essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree to open up and clear the lungs. Put it over the crate at night or where your dog sleeps. Did you go see a bully vet?
[MENTION=2894]2BullyMama[/MENTION] [MENTION=2071]Davidh[/MENTION] [MENTION=3354]RiiSi[/MENTION]


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May 2, 2013
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Hi [MENTION=8322]baxter[/MENTION] Tiberious Is the snot he is blowing clear, or is it white or green?. If it is anything but clear, he should see the vet. Clear would indicate that he is allergic to something.


Head Pooper Scooper
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Is it just a clear liquid, and just a little, or is it a lot? Out Frenchies, will snoot out a little when they greet you, and that is normal in Frenchies, and I have seem some English do it some as well, but not that much. It could be from the dry air, Only a vet will be able to tell it it is allergies or normal.


Have Bulldog Will Travel
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Jan 20, 2016
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I was just wondering if anyone else here has this issue? YES, perhaps 3-400 bullies over the past 10 years...but none did it every 3 minutes. Every 3 minutes would indicate something very serious.

Is it possible this is somehow tied to having the nostril problem? Maybe, but probably not. The narrower the nares the higher the velocity of expelled air and mucous.

I wonder if there are allergy shots for dogs. Absolutely. Testing and injected serum similar to humans, except with higher OOP $$$.

Your choices are somewhat limited IF it's allergies
but not necessarily limited to the following...

Remove the allergen from the dog.
Remove the dog from the allergen
Try Benadryl and see what happens before dismissing it as not an option.
Try other meds your Vet might prescribe
Allergy test and inject prescribed serum
Goggles...for you, not BT.


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Feb 19, 2015
Houston, TX
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You can certainly get allergy shots for dogs. You would need to find a doggie dermatologist and they would test his skin. If he does have allergies it can be a great help. Chumly was on them for years and it made a huge difference but he had a whole bunch of symptoms and all else had failed.


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
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May 5, 2010
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I don't know what's wrong with giving your dog allergy pills for the rest of his life. I mean, you have to feed them for the rest of his life, so what's 2 tablets on top of the food gonna hurt? You can buy the generic Costco Benadryl for 6.00 and give him that. You get 600 tablets.. so almost a whole years worth. Seems better than having him being known as the "snot in your face" dog. And I really don't think doing it back to him is teaching him any lesson. I've tried it before. I mean... Vegas use to scratch the hell out of my arms and legs. So I tried to scratch the hell out of him. Turns out that he likes it. He loves a good scratch.


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May 2, 2013
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[MENTION=8322]baxter[/MENTION]Tiberious " Baxter pretty much SNOTS out of his nose every 3 minutes. Someone leans down to pet him, he snots all over their face. Its a quick exhale through his nose, blowing out the snot. He has done it so many times that people wont go near him or cuddle him anymore. '
"I've trained him a little bit - every time he covers my face in snot-spray I will do the same thing back to him immediately. Seems mean but it works. Now I see him catch himself sometimes and turn his head before he does it."

I guess if Baxter and YOU are both spraying snot, no one is going to come near EITHER ONE of you! Poor Baxter.


Poopah Scoopah
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Dec 29, 2013
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Sebastion (Sea Bass)
Sounds like environmental allergies…we deal w/this especially in Spring and Fall…he also gets a runny nose when he's extra excited…always clear and just a little out of each nostril when out doors, but as soon as a friend or another dog comes around his nose will run more (and his eyes). An air purifier may help and a humidifier.
You can ask your vet for a pet dermatologist recommendation if you want to go ahead w/the testing and allergy treatments...


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Oct 5, 2023
United States
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I know english bulldogs have allergies. I don't know if this is from that though. He didn't do this when we lived in Miami where the air was very moist. Now we're in southern california and its very dry. The outside of his nose is always bone dry.

When you're in a very dry environment, your body overcompensates by producing more moisture. I don't know if that's what's happening here. Maybe it's just allergies, but I'm not going to dose him with Benadryl daily for the rest of his life either..

Baxter pretty much SNOTS out of his nose every 3 minutes. Someone leans down to pet him, he snots all over their face. Its a quick exhale through his nose, blowing out the snot. He has done it so many times that people wont go near him or cuddle him anymore.

I've trained him a little bit - every time he covers my face in snot-spray I will do the same thing back to him immediately. Seems mean but it works. Now I see him catch himself sometimes and turn his head before he does it.

I was just wondering if anyone else here has this issue? Ive never seen a bulldog do it, and I would like to fix it. Drying him up more (with an anti-histhamine) doesn't seem to be the solution (he's already bone dry and devours water like crazy here).

Is it possible this is somehow tied to having the nostril problem? Like if we have them opened (Nares) will symptoms like this subside maybe? His arent too crazy squished together, but they're not great either.

EDIT: maybe it is allergies. As a kid I had allergy shots because I was suffering from allergies so bad. They worked amazingly well. I wonder if there are allergy shots for dogs. The goal is to inject small amounts weekly until the over-sensitization is reduced.
My Gus does that all the time too. I actually just Googled it to find out if it was common and found your post. I live near Philadelphia and there has been an unusual amount of pollen in the air recently. He also does it when he’s mad at someone too though so who knows?😁


I'm not OCD....now who moved my bulldog?
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My Gus does that all the time too. I actually just Googled it to find out if it was common and found your post. I live near Philadelphia and there has been an unusual amount of pollen in the air recently. He also does it when he’s mad at someone too though so who knows?😁
I'm an hour outside of Philly and my Frenchie is a sneezing machine the past few weeks , but like your bulldog, he also sneezes a lot if he is over excited

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