Help Needed! Eating Rocks??

Dee J

New member
Oct 16, 2012
Denton, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus Mayhem AKA B-Ham AKA Brutty Boy
Now that Brutus is out of his cast, and with out stiches he has started back to using the doggy door, which I love.... except one thing. He likes eating rocks. Does anyone else have this issue? I'm so scared of him actually eating one that I won't even let him go outside by himself, and he LOVES to go out w/ Marlee to wrestle around and chase bugs. Any idea for fixes/cures are more then welcome.


Mar 28, 2010
Southern California
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Cutty, Miila and Mugsy the pug :)
No help. My in laws pup did this for a period but I am not sure what they did about it. Maybe try spraying bitter apple in the area where they are?

Gunny B

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Jul 19, 2012
Marysville, Wa
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Gunny Beaufort & Denali (Boxer)
Gunny loves rocks and well anything outdoor. We just repeatedly tell him no and remove whatever he may have in his mouth. Best of luck.
Dee J

Dee J

New member
Oct 16, 2012
Denton, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus Mayhem AKA B-Ham AKA Brutty Boy
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Anytime he puts anything in his mouth other then things that are his (food, toys) we always tell him no, as we are still trying to teach Brutus that he can only chew/eat what is his. Apparently he still believes everything is his! Such a bully! We have a big stone patio, and cemented in between each large stone, so now the cement is starting to break into little rocks. We wanted to re-do the area this weekend, but it looks like rain will be delaying us. :( Good to know Brutus isn't the only rock lover!


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Jan 28, 2010
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We have pea gravel in our yard and sometimes they eat it but that doesn't concern me as much as the two larger sized rocks that Pookie Bear threw up this morning! So weird that you posted this cuz it is the first time it has ever happened! They were certainly big enough to cause a blockage, about 1" in diameter!!

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk :)


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
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Bulldozer and Blossom
My Dozer also eats rocks, this summer we had some work men doing concrete work in our complex, they used a pile of gravel rocks for filling in under the concrete. After they left, there was some loose rocks left behind. Dozer ate a rock, when I called my vet who also has a Bulldog that she brings to work with her everyday, she told me Bulldogs are known for this. She had done surgery on a bully and removed a handful of rocks from his belly. She told me I had to keep him on a leash, and muzzle him if I he kept it up. I keep him on a leash when we go for walks, because he doesn't always listen to come back off leash, and we live near a busy road. I don't want to muzzle him, but I let him off leash around the house, but he's is never outside alone. I've looked around and removed any loose rocks, sticks etc, and if he puts anything in his mouth, I remove it right away. Just last night, when we went for our walk, he picked up two pinecones, and tried to eat them, I removed them from his mouth, but its constant, he will try to eat anything he can find. All you can do is supervise him, remove anything around his environment that he could swallow, and don't leave him alone outside, and remove stuff from his mouth when you see him eating it. Good luck I feel for you, as I have the same Issues with my Dozer. I'm always saying Off, or drop it, I'm lucky he lets me in his mouth to take objects out and doesn't bite me. I've had to do this many times
Dee J

Dee J

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Oct 16, 2012
Denton, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus Mayhem AKA B-Ham AKA Brutty Boy
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We try to not let him go out the doggy door w/ out us, but he is a sneeky little boy! Plus, the girls use the doors non stop, Marlee goes in and out trying to make Brutus come play which he has no problem with. So far anytime he has had a rock/grass/dirt I've gotten it out of his mouth. Those little puppy teeth are sharp though


Norwegian Rose
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Oct 8, 2012
Burlington, ON Canada
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Bulldozer and Blossom
Dozer doesn't bite when I put my hand in his mouth. I put his head down , open his mouth from the side, and place my fingers in his mouth, and pull out the object.
Dee J

Dee J

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Oct 16, 2012
Denton, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus Mayhem AKA B-Ham AKA Brutty Boy
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He doesn't bite, I just tend to be clumsy feeling all around in his mouth and cheeks trying to make sure I get anything that might be in there & then hitting those baby teeth :crazy:

Izzy's Mom

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Sep 25, 2012
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Izzy has been eating rocks too... when I notice her chewing on something when we are outside I am usually sticking my fingers inside her mouth and removing whatever item she decided to chew on.... she is 15 weeks now and this started couple of weeks ago.


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
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They are little Hoovers and will eat anything, so a watchful eye is always needed, plus with the doggie door, you have you hands full. I do not recommend a doggie door with bullies especially in hot climates as they can go outside without you knowing and die of heat stroke.


Snookie ain't got nuttin on me!
Feb 6, 2012
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus (EBD 6/4/11), Chanel (Pitbull 12/23/06)
Our Brutus doesnt like rocks but loves shoes, sneakers, pillowss, couches stuff like that LOL I would try to keep an eye on him and just keep telling him no and hoepfully he will learn....Our Brutus didnt though LOL
Dee J

Dee J

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Oct 16, 2012
Denton, Texas, United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Brutus Mayhem AKA B-Ham AKA Brutty Boy
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I'm hoping he will grow out of it, I guess only time will tell. The doggy door that we have now Brutus can get through, but I doubt he will when he gets a little bit bigger. We will have to decide then if we want to get one he can go through or not......


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Nov 8, 2011
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When we first got Winston we lived in an apartment complex and they had little rock gardens outside, he used to ALWAYS try to eat the rocks. We just kept pulling him away and telling him no. When we moved into our house he kept trying to eat the mulch we had to do the same thing. We sounded like a broken record saying no, bad but eventually he got the point lol! Good luck!!

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