Help Needed! Bit of a snotty nose


New member
Apr 22, 2018
United Kingdom
Bulldog(s) Names
Hi everyone

First post here and just looking for a bit of advice, we have a 5 month old bully and yesterday and today weā€™ve noticed a bit of a snotty nose on a few occasions, to me it seemed clear but my girlfriend said it had a bit of green in it

Iā€™ve seen people saying could be an allergy and to give Benadryl which I think we might try but just wanted to check what people thought, there has been a change in the weather here the last few days as itā€™s gone a lot warmer and heā€™s been on or around the grass a lot which he hadnā€™t been in the first few weeks that we got him (weā€™ve had him 3 weeks tomorrow)

This might sound stupid but Iā€™d rather check, when people say give them Benadryl, Iā€™m assuming itā€™s just stuff you buy over the counter and they donā€™t need it specifically prescribed for dogs?


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Hellow and welcome. :) . I will let the experts answer your question but oh my goodness what a cutie pie you have there. you're correct on that it's the regular Benadryl over the counter for people, but once again, I will let someone explain to you the dosage if that's what they think you need :-) on the young ones I do know that sometimes a vet check is in order, but I'm sure you'll get a lot of help.
Hellow and welcome. :) . I will let the experts answer your question but oh my goodness what a cutie pie you have there. you're correct on that it's the regular Benadryl over the counter for people, but once again, I will let someone explain to you the dosage if that's what they think you need :-) on the young ones I do know that sometimes a vet check is in order, but I'm sure you'll get a lot of help.

Thanks so much for your reply, Debo is a proper little cutie and we just adore him, I thought it was just over the counter stuff but wanted to be certain, hopefully someone will tell me if tablet or medicine is best and how much to give him as heā€™s 27 pound in weight now
Hi everyone

First post here and just looking for a bit of advice, we have a 5 month old bully and yesterday and today weā€™ve noticed a bit of a snotty nose on a few occasions, to me it seemed clear but my girlfriend said it had a bit of green in it

Iā€™ve seen people saying could be an allergy and to give Benadryl which I think we might try but just wanted to check what people thought, there has been a change in the weather here the last few days as itā€™s gone a lot warmer and heā€™s been on or around the grass a lot which he hadnā€™t been in the first few weeks that we got him (weā€™ve had him 3 weeks tomorrow)

This might sound stupid but Iā€™d rather check, when people say give them Benadryl, Iā€™m assuming itā€™s just stuff you buy over the counter and they donā€™t need it specifically prescribed for dogs?

Yes over the counter. 1 pill per every 25lb also you might want to try this below as IT WORKS! Did this for my brindle when she was about your dogā€™s age. She had snott coming out of her nose, eyes n throat...if your diffuser holds a cup (250ml) of water double the oils.

Respiratory/Colds (In the diffuser. Cup size in diffuser is about 1/2cup)
This was for her nights but you can also use daytime. I leave it all day also so when she's roaming around the house she gets to clear her lungs. Again I have a timer on mine.

3 drops of Eucalyptus
3 drops of Peppermint
3 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Lemon

Oil and water DO NOT mix why you need a diffuser that is ultrasonic ionizer cause the vibration is so fast it breaks the oils in the water. If you put oils in your bath you need a carrier which means like a teaspoon of honey or coconut oil n mix it in then put it under running water.
Yes over the counter. 1 pill per every 25lb also you might want to try this below as IT WORKS! Did this for my brindle when she was about your dogā€™s age. She had snott coming out of her nose, eyes n throat...if your diffuser holds a cup (250ml) of water double the oils.

Respiratory/Colds (In the diffuser. Cup size in diffuser is about 1/2cup)
This was for her nights but you can also use daytime. I leave it all day also so when she's roaming around the house she gets to clear her lungs. Again I have a timer on mine.

3 drops of Eucalyptus
3 drops of Peppermint
3 drops of Lavender
2 drops of Lemon

Oil and water DO NOT mix why you need a diffuser that is ultrasonic ionizer cause the vibration is so fast it breaks the oils in the water. If you put oils in your bath you need a carrier which means like a teaspoon of honey or coconut oil n mix it in then put it under running water.

Thanks so much for your reply and advice I will try your suggestions, Would you recommended the tablets over the medicine and if I use the tablets do I give one tablet 3 times a day?
Thanks so much for your reply and advice I will try your suggestions, Would you recommended the tablets over the medicine and if I use the tablets do I give one tablet 3 times a day?

If itā€™s green in colour, like you REALLY see itā€™s green n not white or light yellow......thatā€™s probably an infection. ANd bare in mind Benadryl will not cure a cold or lung infection. If itā€™s an infection might need prednisone or some sort of prescription. Again only ā€œIFā€ itā€™s an infection. Might not even be that. If there is no coughing, sneezing and plays, eat, poops like a normal puppy, I personally would wait a few days see how it goes. If itā€™s a little allergy, yes 3x per day. I would start with 2. Iā€™m not a big fan of pills. But thatā€™s me. You might want also to look into NETTLES. Talks about it in the link attached. We had a post on that not too long ago. [MENTION=3354]RiiSi[/MENTION]
If itā€™s green in colour, like you REALLY see itā€™s green n not white or light yellow......thatā€™s probably an infection. ANd bare in mind Benadryl will not cure a cold or lung infection. If itā€™s an infection might need prednisone or some sort of prescription. Again only ā€œIFā€ itā€™s an infection. Might not even be that. If there is no coughing, sneezing and plays, eat, poops like a normal puppy, I personally would wait a few days see how it goes. If itā€™s a little allergy, yes 3x per day. I would start with 2. Iā€™m not a big fan of pills. But thatā€™s me. You might want also to look into NETTLES. Talks about it in the link attached. We had a post on that not too long ago. [MENTION=3354]RiiSi[/MENTION]
I think she means one pill two times a day? Only 27 lbs
Crap, I was using a tablet and could not even see what I was writing. I think he would only use one tablet because I was trying to say is your pup is only 27 pounds as itā€™s one pill for every 25 pounds. But I could be wrong of course. My boy Barely takes a pill of any sort, and heā€™s very sensitive to them so I would have to go with the one pill per 25. Just my thought
Thanks for your replies guys, he has sneezed a few times today, I definitely think itā€™s hey fever but heā€™s got the vets tomorrow aswel so will mention it to them, so with the Benadryl I give him 1 tablet twice a day is that correct?
One tablet 2x a day per 25 pounds, for allergy. If discharge is green-it is more serious-have vet listen to chest,too.
One tablet 2x a day per 25 pounds, for allergy. If discharge is green-it is more serious-have vet listen to chest,too.

Thanks for the advice, heā€™s going the vet tomorrow so we will ask then
How is your baby doing?

Aww thanks for asking, took him the vet yesterday morning but it was only to see the nurse who was absolutely useless so we booked an appointment to see the vet this morning but yesterday around teatime he started deteriorating really fast so we phoned another vet and got an out of hours emergency appointment straight away

Took him in an they said heā€™s got kennel cough, gave him an injection straight away to bring his temp down cos it was 39.8 and heā€™s now on anti inflammatory medicine and 2 lots of anti biotics, the said we caught him in time before it turned to pneumonia

Heā€™s a lot more himself today playing and that so weā€™re so happy cos felt so sorry for him yesterday as he was struggling for breath with every step he took
Aww thanks for asking, took him the vet yesterday morning but it was only to see the nurse who was absolutely useless so we booked an appointment to see the vet this morning but yesterday around teatime he started deteriorating really fast so we phoned another vet and got an out of hours emergency appointment straight away

Took him in an they said heā€™s got kennel cough, gave him an injection straight away to bring his temp down cos it was 39.8 and heā€™s now on anti inflammatory medicine and 2 lots of anti biotics, the said we caught him in time before it turned to pneumonia

Heā€™s a lot more himself today playing and that so weā€™re so happy cos felt so sorry for him yesterday as he was struggling for breath with every step he took

WOW!!! So happy you caught it!! Keep close eye on him,any sign of change get back to vet. As they said, pneumonia sets in quickly with these babies.

Hope he heals up quickly

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