
New member
Mar 18, 2016
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
King boi
Just got myself a new pupp... 4 month bantam bulldog..its hard to find any information online about them..been looking for simple things...food (got blue buffalo)..do they need to be taken care like a english bulldog or french bulldog?or do i jus treat it like a micro bullie? How often should i wash him?etc Attach0_20160316_184708.jpgAttach0_20160316_184453.jpgAttach0_20160316_134048.jpgScreenshot_20160315-115310.png
Welcome to EBN - what a cutie!! I'd say your doing good with the grain free food. We don't bathe Tyson too often.. more in the summer - every 3 months or so maybe :)
What a cutie.... I love the coloring! Seems they are a Bulldog/Frenchie mix, which I would say, treat him as a you would a bulldog since the genes/traits will be there... hopefully you have a healthy fella!

his coloring looks a lot like my Frenchie... dark red brindle :heart;
Thanks im trying to get the best i could to get him good and healthy...he plays for hrs then rest for like an hr or so and back at it...but he really stinks gave him his bath yesterday and helped jus wondering cuz ive red english get rashes if washed too often and i dont wanna do that to my poor king boi
Lol yea i wanted a lil of both worlds and came across it by accident and had to have him...
Love brindle colored dogs cane corso boxers english french bulldogs love em...thanks! Im trying to learn as much as i could from this breed....orignally wanted a corso but too big for my place has started research on french bulldogs and this guy happened to come up and i couldnt turn him down now im on learning mode on english and french! Oh yea only had him for 3 days and loving everyday of it
Lol yea i wanted a lil of both worlds and came across it by accident and had to have him...
Love brindle colored dogs cane corso boxers english french bulldogs love em...thanks! Im trying to learn as much as i could from this breed....orignally wanted a corso but too big for my place has started research on french bulldogs and this guy happened to come up and i couldnt turn him down now im on learning mode on english and french! Oh yea only had him for 3 days and loving everyday of it

I love, love love, Corso.... [MENTION=8958]natski282[/MENTION] has a beautiful boy, odin that is brindle and he shares with us.

If King Boi has an odor, it could be the food does not agree with him, maybe look to change the protein source of the food and also make sure you are feeding grain free. Too much bathing can remove all the natural oils in the fur and cause dry skin
Welcome to the site, and I agree with others, just treat him like an English and you should be fine. He is a cutie for sure, I love his dark brindle.
Lol yea i wanted a lil of both worlds and came across it by accident and had to have him...
Love brindle colored dogs cane corso boxers english french bulldogs love em...thanks! Im trying to learn as much as i could from this breed....orignally wanted a corso but too big for my place has started research on french bulldogs and this guy happened to come up and i couldnt turn him down now im on learning mode on english and french! Oh yea only had him for 3 days and loving everyday of it


Wow looks like Nyala! You got a cutie pie there. If you surf this website your questions will alllllll be answered. They're a bunch of walking dictionaries in here. Knowledgeable bully site here. :)
Lol yea i wanted a lil of both worlds and came across it by accident and had to have him...
Love brindle colored dogs cane corso boxers english french bulldogs love em...thanks! Im trying to learn as much as i could from this breed....orignally wanted a corso but too big for my place has started research on french bulldogs and this guy happened to come up and i couldnt turn him down now im on learning mode on english and french! Oh yea only had him for 3 days and loving everyday of it

Hi there welcome to EBN
Someone mentioned Odin,s name and he near knocked Me over to let me know , big goof !
Love your King look a those ears a bit of a expression on that face he looks great , full of love and life that look lol
I have 5 dogs Odin being just one mind he is app three and a half dogs in one full of life and love funny thing is he has know idea how really big he is so will try and curl up on your lap like say a small terrier , He is very protective of what he feels is his to protect so other dogs cats his Grand MuM , Me but does not attack just lets all know `` hey i am big and I can `` I have never ever seen him attack anything tho he just walks in-between you and whatever made the error to be near you . Odin i guess weighs now app 100 too 110 lbs and was the runt of the litter all brindle and truly My best buddy never leaves my side . 028.jpg103.jpg081 (1280x960).jpg028.jpg052.jpg002.jpg002.jpg Here is Odin on the lawn king of all 4 th pic is his sweety Rosie think she is app 3 months old there a a EB they are inseparable, 6th pic is our hoards just 4 in that pic we just got our 5th and last pic is Odin The Lap Dog and my Prettyone
Now I posted some pics we love pics so now you must get some more and please post away ok lol
:welcome2: to EBN!!! Your new baby is adorable, love the coloring!!!
Welcome to EBN. King Boi is adorable and i agree I would go with all the precautions that go with a Bulldog. Make sure he does not eat anything he shouldn't because most are like vacuum cleaners and will suck up anything which could lead to an obstruction. Be careful of Heat/cold sensitivity as they cannot regulate their body temps. anything above 70 degrees should only supervised potty breaks, and if you want to stay outside for a bit longer and it is warmer out, hose him off with cool water and that will help with the heat. They are not outside dogs so never leave them outside overnight. They are very social dogs and love nothing more than to be with their humans all the time. Same thing with the cold, if you are cold so are they. Leave plenty of fresh water out so he can drink as he wants to. No unsupervised play near a pool or pond as most sink like stones and will drown. Hmm... If I can think of anything else I will post, but most importantly welcome to the best bulldog site on earth.
Just got myself a new pupp... 4 month bantam bulldog..its hard to find any information online about them..been looking for simple things...food (got blue buffalo)..do they need to be taken care like a english bulldog or french bulldog?or do i jus treat it like a micro bullie? How often should i wash him?etcView attachment 96783View attachment 96784View attachment 96785View attachment 96786
I also have a Frenglish or Hybrid as their called sometimes.We love her and we clean her folds with witch hazel alcohol free and we bathe about 1 a month right now.She looks more english but has control of her ears and she's a shortstack.The only issue we've had is her Nares were done and she had a Uti once from squatting so low to the ground..Here she is

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